Friedensau Adventist University i Möckern

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandFriedensau Adventist University



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19, An der Ihle, 39291, Möckern, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3921 9160
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.2114254, Longitude: 11.9845732

kommentar 5

  • Raul Cervantes

    Raul Cervantes


    Very idyllic and quiet.

  • Ravinder Kaur

    Ravinder Kaur


    Nice university and good environment

  • MarelloKaba



    Very nice areal with park around historical red-brick building based in 1902. I must say there is kind personal. Mensa-the university restaurant offers breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can pay cash or you can settle Mensa card just on the ground floor of mensa-economica department on the left side. The meals are fine. I must say that only one problem is that in whole areal is very weak mobile signal. I can call normally only in main study building upstairs near the window on the 3d floor. If you consider about study MISIOLOGY i have to highly recommend. Cause dr. Lászlo Szabó is brilliant teacher. It is very practical, biblical and highly motivable for those who want to be changed by the Gospel of Heavenly Kingdom. And if you will patient in next year study you will learn how to train your church members like disciples. Like Jesus do. Working in small groups. Multilplying the church by the power of Holy Spirit. What does it mean peace -shalom and its importance in preaching with authority of His Kingdom. And many inspieative stories based on real church life from Europe. It about mission for nowdays people. For this type of society in which we live. So i really appreciate this Missiology study. You can learn and practise about organic Gods system of service - diakonein gr. Not about that technocratic structural system of programs, plans witout Gods vision. V

  • Steven Torrs

    Steven Torrs


    Hi there! I do not know yet

  • Andreas Bochmann

    Andreas Bochmann


    A very special university. Beautiful campus, international atmosphere, great willingness to help, studying in small groups - with a large library. Okay, I'm biased because I enjoy working here ... But it's definitely worth a visit.

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