Frauenärzte am Gendarmenmarkt i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandFrauenärzte am Gendarmenmarkt



🕗 åbningstider

17, Mohrenstraße, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 2514004
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.5118093, Longitude: 13.3900669

kommentar 5

  • Lazi90 latin

    Lazi90 latin


    Really recommend. The doctor is very empathetic and the staff is very nice :) As a patient, you get appointments very quickly.

  • Metzi Betzi

    Metzi Betzi


    I'm with Dr. Linhardt patient and can only express myself positively. I feel very well taken care of. My questions and concerns are listened to and taken seriously. I really enjoy going to the doctor's office and therefore take a little longer to go!

  • Maya Köymen

    Maya Köymen


    Wonderful and competent doctor who takes time for the patients. She explains and advises wonderfully with her calm and professional manner. The team around her is also great and very nice. You feel comfortable and in good hands in the practice.

  • Sabrina Fasholz

    Sabrina Fasholz


    A huge praise and thank you to the entire practice team. I'm being treated by Mr. Linhardt and I'm completely satisfied. A great doctor. He takes his time, explains everything calmly, at eye level and at the same time easily understandable for the layman. Above all, he is always empathetic and caring in acute cases, with real cases or those that one believes to be, and does not rest until he has found a solution, the best hospital, etc. The same applies to the medical assistants - they are always friendly, competent and on their toes! Since they are the first point of contact in the practice, they make a major contribution to ensuring that you are in the right hands and that you are in good hands. The practice itself is very nicely furnished and flooded with light. Unusual praise, but people like to go to the doctor here!

  • Sarah Koytcheva

    Sarah Koytcheva


    Super happy about the treatment. I got in spontaneously because my doctor was closed. I felt take. seriously. most importantly i did not feel rushed.

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