Frau Dipl.-Stom. Caroline Weimer i Köthen (Anhalt)

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandFrau Dipl.-Stom. Caroline Weimer


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31, Siebenbrünnenpromenade, 06366, Köthen (Anhalt), DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3496 558848
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Latitude: 51.74772, Longitude: 11.96558

kommentar 3

  • Moni Mauch

    Moni Mauch


    Absolutely the best practice there is. I have been in this practice for over 20 years and feel really understood, cared for and treated with a lot of empathy. The practice team knows their craft and is great with people. Every step and every procedure is explained in detail and your fears are taken away. The waiting room is never full because only one person is booked for an appointment. Exactly how it should be. An absolute dream practice both professionally and personally. thanks for that

  • Thomas Naumann

    Thomas Naumann


    If you have severe anxiety/panic, I can only recommend this practice. There isn't enough space here to write everything. The dentist and the entire team are very understanding and really take everything into account and respond to the patient. Even if in the Nowadays there is hardly any time, patience and understanding, so I found all of that in this practice. You can and I advise everyone to talk to the doctor and team about everything. Nothing happens with pressure and haste. At this point, many thanks again to the entire practice team.

  • Elisabeth Meder

    Elisabeth Meder


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