Foot and Ankle Center Berlin i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandFoot and Ankle Center Berlin



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134, Friedrichstraße, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 48479360
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Latitude: 52.5233785, Longitude: 13.387368

kommentar 5

  • Yve Pini

    Yve Pini


    Dr. Boack is one of the best in his field. I had a very complex operation on my foot in October last year, with a 6 week follow-up operation. later. For many years I had had problems with my flat feet and ankle joint, but I never found anyone who would have dared to undergo an operation. Dr. Boack is a scalpel artist. a. a checkerboard pattern cut into the Achilles tendon in order to lengthen it as gently as possible. Thanks to his expertise, I managed without a stiffening and will now have an operation on my second foot in December. Dr. Boack has a great interest in helping his patients, he is very empathetic and always patient. Just like his team, Ms. Boack and his employees, they are all very friendly. My physiotherapist told me that she had never seen such good seams (Dr. Boack sews himself) and the orthopedic surgeon treating me was very astonished at the complexity of the operations and the very good result. He is also absolutely honest and doesn't make false promises, you can rely on what he says. Dr. Boack is definitely to be recommended, after a year I am very grateful for a better quality of life. The best doctor I've ever had.

  • Rolf Paasburg

    Rolf Paasburg


    A very good doctor and a very good team. I had a preparatory operation in January 2020 and an operation in February 2020, during which I successfully received an ankle prosthesis from Dr. Boack was used. The cast was removed on April 1st and I am extremely happy with the result. I can walk pain-free again, ride my racing bike a lot and have hiked in the Alps. Dr. For me, Boack is the specialist in ankle joints, extremely competent and with a desire to achieve the best possible result for the patient. I am very grateful for that.

  • Steffen Splettstoesser

    Steffen Splettstoesser


    Very nice competent doctor. Spends a lot of time for the patient. Very nice team. The stay in the clinic is also very pleasant. You will be well taken care of.

  • Mandy Lerche

    Mandy Lerche


    A top doctor and a great team! Dr. Boack has made my life worth living again. Being able to walk without pain was unthinkable for a long time. Thanks to him and his expertise, I enjoy running again. Where other orthopedists failed, he knew exactly what was wrong with my foot. Dr. Boack explains each step carefully and is open to questions and concerns. I gladly recommend the foot & ankle center. Thank you so much!!!

  • Andrea M.

    Andrea M.


    Absolutely competent doctor who takes time for his patients and takes great care of himself. The whole team is extremely capable and friendly. I have never felt so well advised and saved by a doctor. I can only agree with the positive reviews.

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