Flowers Röwer GmbH i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandFlowers Röwer GmbH



🕗 åbningstider

Alexanderplatz, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 24729804
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.5215623, Longitude: 13.4110789

kommentar 5

  • Mohamed Megahed

    Mohamed Megahed


    Friendly staff

  • Ronny NoneOfYourBusinessGoogle

    Ronny NoneOfYourBusinessGoogle


    I know they pay high rent but, ouch, it's expensive here. It helps to not know the prices and have no tags... she answered my question about the cost only eventually, by which time she had put a small bouquet together. Clever lady, but maybe not as sustainable if you want return customers. That's probably not their business model, so just watch out.

  • C



    They dont even know the prices of their flowers.wouldnt trust them at all. So overpriced.

  • Ievgen Demenikov

    Ievgen Demenikov


    Very unfriendly stuff. Very expensive flovers. When I have bought 11 roses the lady did not want to give me a receipt. When finally she did I've counted flowers - there were just 10. After I've asked to give me a missing rose she wanted to pack it into the same paper again even though it was torn. She didn't want to pack in new one but when she finally did.

  • Sinisa Grubor

    Sinisa Grubor


    Very rude employees (can't say for all of them, but one we encountered). We asked if is possible to wrap gifts there, since it's a flower shop (per financial compensation of course), on which the employee just walked away and mumbled: "Go to the place where you bought it and wrap it there". Don't even mind that they do not want to do it (all though she could have sold us some flowers with it as well), but reply in a line of : "Sorry, we are not offering this kind of service here.." would be much more appreciated. All in all, will not go there anymore.

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