Store i Berlin

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183027 Store


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13-14, Oranienburger Straße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 577011982
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Latitude: 52.5237795, Longitude: 13.3987548

kommentar 5

  • Misaki_Wxlfii



    Best store ever! New home!

  • Deadly Queen

    Deadly Queen


    I bough a manga there in the 22nd and it was damaged. I couldn't go back to change it. Ont he 25th I went there only to get told that they always check their manga and they told me I already red it and that they couldn't do anything. I provided evidence showing that I didn't damage it and that I couldn't go back in the store because it was 18:25 and I was in the tram (store closes at 18:30). I would like to talk with them to get it fixed but they told me they could only contact the publisher of the book. I don't suggest buying your mangas there because this kind of service is really frustrating and check if they are damaged because they clearly don't. Dear Figuya Team thank you for helping me solve this problem. :)

  • Alex Lieber

    Alex Lieber


    Nice selection, my son was satisfied. Staff is friendly but not intrusive.

  • Matthew Groves

    Matthew Groves


    Went on a trip to Berlin on the 23rd of January for my birthday and noticed this store was located close to where we were staying. The selection of products in here is absolutely amazing and very well priced to match. Staff are really friendly and have a good knowledge on their products. Would highly recommend if you're in Berlin.

  • Alex Williams

    Alex Williams


    Make no mistake, this is not a storefront. This is a warehouse for an online business. They were very polite, considering they did not expect any visitors, and I obviously was not the first person to mistake their business for an offline store. They even were kind enough to help me find and purchase an item. However they are a business intended towards selling goods online only. I had a good experience here, but it was absolutely not what I expected. I will absolutely shop online with them in the future considering my good experience at this location. I do not recommend or advise going there to check out the merchandise, unless you contact them first.

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