Fat Tire Tours Berlin i Berlin

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TysklandFat Tire Tours Berlin



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1A, Panoramastraße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 24047991
internet side: www.fattiretours.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.5209951, Longitude: 13.409113

kommentar 5

  • en



    We did the bike tour with PB just last week. She was terrific. My husband and I love history and she was completely knowledgable. We learned more about the Berlin sectors from her sidewalk chalk drawing that we have in all our years of study. A real "must" if you want a fun way to see the sights of Berlin.

  • John Sparkes

    John Sparkes


    Excellent tours from Alex (Potsdam) and Ciaran (Berlin Wall). Both guides had a genuine interest in their subject and were able to answer questions and make history come alive. Thank you.

  • Amelia Nolan

    Amelia Nolan


    Such a great way to see the city of Berlin and learn about the history as well as the future prospects of the city. Tom was a great guide; very knowledgeable and experienced. Would highly recommend these guys :)

  • Glenn Chapin

    Glenn Chapin


    Great tour of Berlin sites! Ask for Alicia! Very knowledgeable, and very helpful. You won't be disappointed. Forget the stop and go buses this tour is the way to go.😀

  • en

    Tycho Jongenelen


    Great, friendly and humorous service. The staff member who helped us gave us good bikes and the price for hiring a bike for one day (€14) is reasonable. The saddle of my bike was broken but this was no problem and my bike was replaced in just one minute. As the name of the place suggests, the tires are fat making it very comfortable to cycle with (I am Dutch so you can trust me here). The location of the place is also good (right under the Fernsehturm).

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