Erlöserkirche i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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5, Schröderstraße, 10115, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 27582750
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Latitude: 52.53043, Longitude: 13.39367

kommentar 5

  • Joelle Eliora

    Joelle Eliora


    Whenever I'm in the capital, I always go to this church and pray to God that He will forgive me of my sins and guide me on my way. His knowledge and power are so much greater than mine. With his help I can do anything. The quiet and contemplative environment in this church is the perfect place for quiet dialogue with God. When God looks into my heart, He knows that I truly repent of all the suffering I have caused others and that my great goal has also become my purification. There are many ways to serve God on earth. I want mine to be one of them, and my gratitude and sincere loyalty would be as great as the grace of God.

  • Mario Boettcher

    Mario Boettcher


    Beautiful church

  • Marion Müller

    Marion Müller


    In the Erlöserkirche a free music concert experienced. Had not expected such a room there.

  • Stefan Schikora

    Stefan Schikora


    Quiet residential street ....

  • Prüfert Simone

    Prüfert Simone


    Nice place to stay

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