EP:Nußbaum i Burg (bei Magdeburg)

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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28, Markt, 39288, Burg (bei Magdeburg), DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3921 982113
internet side: www.ep.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.2704101, Longitude: 11.8583501

kommentar 5

  • Kersten Schumacher

    Kersten Schumacher


    Very good protection despite Corona. You have to wait a bit.

  • Bille Noffi

    Bille Noffi


    Technically absolutely competent and super-fast help even in Corona times .... also via WhatsApp .... 👌👍👌

  • Marc B.

    Marc B.


    The way it should be - and has unfortunately become rare these days ... A local specialist dealer with good advice, fair pricing and excellent service ... Specifically: TV researched online in advance, prices compared, called the dealer and asked for details, slept over the night and convinced the finance minister, ordering and making an appointment easily by phone again, delivery / wall mounting three days later and very professionally, payment at the end by invoice. .. The bottom line - two short phone calls, three days of anticipation, not lifting a finger and a new cinema at home. Almost at an online price and with the knowledge that I have supported regional retail. Thank you, that's how it has to go ...

  • Ingo S

    Ingo S


    Very nice and friendly staff. Great service. The employees also try to make the seemingly impossible possible.

  • diana zuckschwerdt

    diana zuckschwerdt


    Although I live near Munich and needed a new TV for my mom (nursing care) living in Burg, I got great advice over the phone (on Saturdays at noon ... just before twelve) that is not a matter of course. The TV was delivered and set on Mondays and the most important things were explained - that's what I call top service. Thanks for this help. We will be happy to buy from you again.

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