Enchilada Darmstadt i Darmstadt

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandEnchilada Darmstadt



🕗 åbningstider

5, Kasinostraße, 64293, Darmstadt, Darmstadt, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 6151 997887
internet side: www.enchilada-darmstadt.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.872582, Longitude: 8.6444167

kommentar 5

  • Mike Batech

    Mike Batech


    Great place for some small bites and good cocktails during happy hour! Try the "jumbo" cocktails for an extra kick!

  • Gerry O'Mahony

    Gerry O'Mahony


    This is a decent place to try Tex Mex if you have not had it before, usually full of students and young couples it is a decent place to have a cocktail and a bite to eat. There are many different deals on cocktails and happy hour options. This is good value, a cheap and cheerful option to more typical German cuisine.

  • en

    Robin Eichhorn


    Nice food, great cocktails and shots

  • Poly Gon

    Poly Gon


    Waitresses were very friendly, atmosphere/decor is great, food was delicious and well-presented, prices were alright I'd recommend it if you're looking for a calm night out

  • fredericka Bender

    fredericka Bender


    Service top Food Delicious Atmosphere good Don't miss out this place ,is the best.

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