Ecoinn Hotel Am Campus i Esslingen am Neckar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandEcoinn Hotel Am Campus



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14, Kanalstraße, 73728, Esslingen am Neckar, Stuttgart, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 711 3105890
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.7382038, Longitude: 9.3102727

kommentar 5

  • Karl Miranda

    Karl Miranda


    Overall a good place. Located just outside the old town in the university area. Just be aware that you have to park at a nearby underground parking garage, no parking on site. The room was very pleasant. Great bed and warm water for showers. Breakfast was great too, and check in and out, was a breeze. I was in room 22, but I found the room very warm, even after lowering the thermostat. The fan provided was extremy noisy. Finally shut it off and opened the window. What bugged me the most and the lack of a full 5-star rating was the below par wifi. Am sorry, in this day and age, if you cannot provide good wifi, you lose points with me.

  • G Goian

    G Goian


    A great place to stay over the weekend, very close to the city old center, climate friendly (the hotel produces his own electricity). A very tasty breakfast made out of bio and local products.

  • Steven Bervoets

    Steven Bervoets


    Bad ventilation and insulation, so i wonder about the eco-ness. Breakfast eatable. Problems with receiving confirmation, they charged extra fees for that.

  • Claudius Urban

    Claudius Urban


    Very clean and quiet place. Moderate price and good infrastructure.

  • Andreea Balau

    Andreea Balau


    Really helpful at reception. We traveled with a tiny bird and we were really welcomed here, unlike other hotels in the area, that promote themselves as animals/pet friendly but were really difficult. Rooms are clean and breakfast is good. At departure, they even gave us a small gift! We stayed here before (3 or 4 times) and we will definitely come back!

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