Dr. W. Alfred Zawadzki i Reutlingen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandDr. W. Alfred Zawadzki



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3-7, Obere Wässere, 72764, Reutlingen, Tübingen, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 7121 240625
internet side: www.drzawadzki.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.4890029, Longitude: 9.2169984

kommentar 5

  • Sonea S.

    Sonea S.


    Finally I could be helped! After years of odyssey and endless visits to neurologists, orthodontists, oral surgeons and dentists because of my cluster headaches and tinnitus, this doctor was able to help me! Dr. Zawadzki is a very competent dentist and is very familiar with the analysis of bite misalignments and CMD. He works closely with physiotherapists, dental technicians, orthodontists and oral surgeons, so he does not cook his own thing and is very successful as a result. I can't confirm his team is rude. On the contrary, everyone is very courteous when it comes to organizing the appointments and everyone always has a friendly word ready, even when it is stressful - especially now in the Corona period. Professional teeth cleaning is also carried out very sensitively and informatively. It is a practice in which the patient is actually still in the foreground and is not being ripped off. But I have to make the only drawback at the end: I often had to invest a lot of time with my appointments and therefore pay the expensive parking costs, but it was worth it to me ... because I am pain-free. Thanks, keep it up Jenny Seemüller

  • Dilek Kürcay

    Dilek Kürcay


    Very unfriendly receptionist I call her request for CMD treatment she asks me what that is as a dental assistant and then I explain it to her she says to me she calls me back in 2 minutes and does not call then I get in touch again she says why I just hang up And I didn't give the phone number even though she didn't ask for it, so totally outrageous, and then she discussed with me why I just hung up even though I didn't hang up and at the end it said we didn't take anyone because that is the worst dental assistant or what whatever it is

  • Alex Budja

    Alex Budja


    Absolutely unfriendly and less motivated helpers at the reception. If you value respectful treatment, you are at the wrong address. Not recommended!

  • Werb Tec

    Werb Tec


    May be a good dentist, I have had enough of his aides and what is not possible is the unwanted retention of old gold and platinum of the bridges to be replaced. This is actually theft - isn't it?

  • Franziska Heppenheimer

    Franziska Heppenheimer


    The best dentist I met! He gives everything to his patients and always takes his time. Explains everything and does not forget the personal level but perceives you as a human being.

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