Dr. Oliver Schött - Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde i Kempen

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TysklandDr. Oliver Schött - Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde



🕗 åbningstider

22-24, Otto-Hahn-Straße, 47906, Kempen, Düsseldorf, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 2152 3660
internet side: www.zahnarzt-schoett.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.37635, Longitude: 6.40548

kommentar 5

  • Omar Roß

    Omar Roß


    I had a great experience with Mr. DR Oliver Schött's team. I had my teeth treated with them and got a canine implant. The result is fantastic! The entire team was very professional and friendly. I felt comfortable right from the start and trusted Dr Schött. The end result with the orthodontist is a beautiful smile that has boosted my confidence. I can only recommend this to anyone looking for high quality treatment. Thanks to the whole team!

  • Alexander Glass

    Alexander Glass


    Dr. I can recommend Schött as a dental colleague with a clear conscience. For example, during a replacement period, he made temporary restorations using digital impressions and didn't even charge our patient for it. I cannot therefore support this assessment regarding sales-oriented advice and treatments... quite the opposite. Dear Oliver, thank you very much for your commitment to our patients - as always, reliable - when we are not there, I know that our patients are safe and in good hands.

  • Luca Spataro

    Luca Spataro


    Normally the treatments perform really well. However, if the quality of advice and the friendliness of the sales generated by the respective interventions vary obviously and noticeably (alternative interventions were only suggested very late), you have clearly missed your goal as a service provider - regardless of the industry!

  • T. Toms

    T. Toms


    Excellent advice and treatment. All employees are extremely friendly and competent. It's a dream for me to read when people make a recession dependent on the waiting time. Not only do doctors help people with appointments, but they also help with emergencies. In most cases, it is precisely such cases that cause you to have to wait longer. Whether it's at our family doctor or at the dentist. In any case, I would like to thank you for the completely satisfactory treatment and remain loyal to the practice.

  • Ramona Zeiffer

    Ramona Zeiffer


    I was there for the first time today. It was great! I called today because a piece of tooth was chipped. I got an appointment for the same day. It turned out great. My questions were answered extremely competently. I made the next appointment straight away. Conclusion: Highly recommended!

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