Dr. med. Christiane Handrick i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandDr. med. Christiane Handrick



🕗 åbningstider

5, Münzstraße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 2411031
internet side: praxis-handrick.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.5240584, Longitude: 13.4087919

kommentar 5

  • de

    Elena Filippi


    Wenn es minus Sterne geben würden, würde diese Praxis bestimmt -5 von mir bekommen. Viel zu viele Patienten, Wartezeit mit Termin war vorletztes mal ungefähr 2 Stunden. Und der Witz ist, wenn man im Not ist (d.h. ohne Termin ), wird man weggeschikt und werden unfreundliche, unmenschliche Vorwürfe gemacht, dass man zu spät gekommen ist, obwohl man sich nicht auswählen kann wenn einen Notfall entsteht. Einfach mal die Praxis vermeiden...

  • Hal Kottke

    Hal Kottke


    After complaining of severe itching and sudden rashes to my skin to Dr. Handrick she examined me and prescribe skin cream w/cortisone. After explaining to her my son had an overnight guest who had Scabies and I believed I had contracted the disease, she didn't want to prescribe treatment for scabies but rathered make bloodwork and avoided my advise. After the bloodwork and skin craft which she later performed on me 30 days later, Which by the way , she completely screwed up. Once she cut my skin off and stitched the sutures she bandaged the area and sent me home. I live 5 minutes away on bike and when I got home and opened my jacket my whole right side was soaked in blood. I rode straight back to her office and she immediately was angered at me for showing up to her office in a blood soaked shirt. UNBELIEVABLE ! No apologies for doing a terrible job stitching my chest up and ruining my Polo shirt ! Just angered that the patients in the waiting room would see me bloody and possibly think it was her fault. Needless to say, after finally diagnosing me with Scabies 37 days later, I finally got the medicine needed. In that time , my wife and daughter contracted the disease as well and we all had to be treated. This so called Doctor will never get a positive review from me or anyone else that finds themselves in her office ! Stay away !!!

  • de

    Elisa Hildebrandt


    Sehr freundliche, kompetente, schnelle und zielorientierte Behandlung mit sehr kurzer Wartezeit. Gerne wieder :)

  • en

    Shelley Yoo


    Best doctor I've ever had. She actually cares and takes the time to listen. She has empathy for her patiences and goes above and beyond to assist them.

  • Selin Songur

    Selin Songur


    Been here twice. Even though I had appointments I still had to wait once 1,5 hours and the other time 2 hours.

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