Dr. Guido Münchhalfen i Euskirchen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandDr. Guido Münchhalfen


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10, Wilhelmstraße, 53879, Euskirchen, Köln, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 2251 4411
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.65966, Longitude: 6.7902001

kommentar 5

  • Juliana Klein

    Juliana Klein


    very professionally competent and serious

  • T. S.

    T. S.


    very nice and competent dentist who advises very well and deals very well with anxious patients. Since then I haven't been afraid of the dentist anymore.

  • Thomas



    Very nice practice team, absolutely competent doctor.

  • Markus Krupp

    Markus Krupp


    I have been a patient in practice for many years with my family! The organization is outstanding and the staff super friendly! Dr. Münchhalfen advises and treats perfectly. Always recommend the practice.

  • Irina Gorobets

    Irina Gorobets


    I have been sent away today with a toothache, as the practice works only with appointed patients. I should go to another doctor, they could offer me an appointment in two months, because I am a new patient. To send away a patient with a toothache is an absolute impudence. Am very disappointed.

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