Dorotheenstädtisch-Friedrichswerderscher Friedhof i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandDorotheenstädtisch-Friedrichswerderscher Friedhof



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126, Chausseestraße, 10115, Berlin, DE Alemania
kontakter telefon: +49 30 4617279
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.5284143, Longitude: 13.3838072

kommentar 5

  • ko

    Hanjun Cho


    헤겔, 브레히트, 만, 아이슬러 등 독일역사의 유명인사를 모두 뵐 수 있는 곳. 의미있는 장소입니다.

  • Stefan Kniestedt

    Stefan Kniestedt


    Nicht nur eine kleine Idylle in der Großstadt, sondern auch ein Ort, der an viele erinnert, die wir lieben und verehren. Unbedingt hingehen und schauen, dann vielleicht zu hause nachlesen, was wirklich war....

  • Francisco Serrano

    Francisco Serrano


    Beautiful place. All sorts of different decorations for the resting places for a lot of people buried here. Just beautiful.

  • en



    Beautiful cemetery. As for James Turrell's installation in the chapel, the way it's set up is utterly disappointing. The installation itself was good enough, but the whole experience is off. If you're going here and hoping for a Rothko Chapel-like contemplation moment, think again. The way it's structured allows you to appreciate the light art but nothing else. First there is an irrelevant presentation for about 20 minutes of someone reading off a paper and for the rest of the duration they allow people to take photographs, so, in 2017, of course this translates in people taking photos for social media and getting up and down while never allowing for a quiet and undisturbed moment when one can actually appreciate the beauty of what's happening (at some point I looked back and there were about 15 people standing taking photographs at the same time). I guess it would be worth it if there was a spiritual quality to it but in these moldes that is impossible, which is a shame. Definitely a go-to for a cool Instagram feed, I guess, but this is sadly a failed art piece.

  • Stefan Korth

    Stefan Korth


    Es gibt 2 Eingänge an der Chausseestrasse! Der südliche ist für den französischen Friedhof, der nördliche für den hier beschriebenen. Um zu den Gräbern zu gelangen muss man entweder ganz durch den französischen Friedhof hindurch (nur ein Durchgang hinten rechts) oder aber am nördlichen Eingang an der Steinmauer bis zur Kapelle gehen!

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