Deutsche Post i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandDeutsche Post



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5, Rathausstraße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 228 4333112
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Latitude: 52.5196428, Longitude: 13.4114125

kommentar 5

  • Hai S. Ha

    Hai S. Ha


    Cannot do anything if don’t know German.

  • en

    Fan Zhang


    The staff there is simply unfriendly and incapable of the job!

  • Jamie Mitev

    Jamie Mitev


    Post guys doesn't bring your package to your home, then your package gets lost and you try to find it by calling the numbers they give you and people on the phone tells you the fact that your package is there end of conversation :) except 1-2 helpful staff the rest are super rude and refuse to help. Worst combination of people in one place. DHL does nothing to improve the situation. I really don't like the service..

  • en

    Eunil Kim


    The stupid woman with glasses there even don't know the maximum weight limit of one package to send overseas. After reading some reviews here, now I think she may have rejected my package (which was not over 31.5kg anyway) on purpose because I'm a foreigner, which is not surprising by the way, when I have to deal with such former east german ghosts.

  • en

    Anna Hajder


    I have the time of my life here.... Wasting my life on this loooong queue and a lady behind the counter is drinking coffee...

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