Deutsche Post i Hof

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandDeutsche Post



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1, Konrad-Adenauer-Platz, 95028, Hof, Oberfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 180 2 3333
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.3192596, Longitude: 11.9136105

kommentar 5

  • Murat Akboga

    Murat Akboga


    Telephone number is not up to date. They don't exist at all, but they know that personally, schohn said twice. (definitely away risk of infection)

  • Patrick Tschorn

    Patrick Tschorn


    Good and central post office, unfortunately it is overcrowded as it is the only real one in town. Parking spaces are also limited or not available (dedicated, free) ATM was now unfortunately several times (partially) defective. This can also be done at the counter, but only during opening hours and with more time.

  • Angelo V.

    Angelo V.


    So far I have always been looked after in a very friendly and competent manner. Sometimes you have to wait a bit. But everything is still in the "green area" ..

  • H Hardtmann

    H Hardtmann


    Can only join Farnsworth Peterson's recession.

  • Farnsworth Peterson

    Farnsworth Peterson


    I avoid this branch whenever possible. There are often long queues here and yet only a few of the counters are open. I've never seen them all open. You feel like you've been in the last millennium. The quality of the employees is very mixed. Some are absolutely competent and always in a cheerful mood, others are not very helpful at work, but take it twice as close when the shop closes. In general, the business hours are very unfavorable for the working part of society (as in many post offices). Occasionally you stand in front of a locked door because the branch is closed all day for works council meetings.

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