Deutsche Post Filiale 515 i Stuttgart

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandDeutsche Post Filiale 515



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12, Am Römerkastell, 70376, Stuttgart, Stuttgart, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 228 4333112
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.8129499, Longitude: 9.2078343

kommentar 5

  • Ola Alexandra Wiebe

    Ola Alexandra Wiebe


    Very slow and super unfriendly.

  • Sarah Merino

    Sarah Merino


    I concur that the staff is rude as hell if you don’t speak German. If you have to pick something up here bring your email confirmation of your package and write down your street address for them. There’s little to no parking on the street out front.

  • Sarah Wössner

    Sarah Wössner



  • juanita hamilton

    juanita hamilton


    I ordered something from and I had to pick up a package from there. There’s a gentleman with glasses whom I’ve had two awful experiences with. He’s rude, nasty and does his best to humiliate me every time. Granted I know I’m temporarily living in Germany and speak hardly any Deutsch but I don’t deserve that. No one does. I hope that if was to every come to America or any country foreign to him, that he gets a full dose of his own medicine. I’m baffled by the treatment we get while living a abroad.

  • João Pedro Gomes

    João Pedro Gomes


    Can not give a good review to a place that ask for passports to EU citizens to do the same services that they do to german citizens with his ID card. Ist sad to see that at one of the biggest german companies specially since is against the EU laws.

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