Deutsche Post DHL Group i Bamberg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandDeutsche Post DHL Group



🕗 åbningstider

6, Ludwigstraße, 96052, Bamberg, Oberfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49
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Latitude: 49.9005963, Longitude: 10.8990508

kommentar 5

  • Wolf



    Absolute disaster. The post office gets its bad reputation from such branches. Unfriendly, spiteful employees (female) as well as those who move like a sloth on Valium (male). as well as zero service and maximum waiting time. No matter how long the line of waiting customers is, a maximum of 2 counters are open, the parcel counter was rationalized years ago, and every single employee would probably prefer to have both legs off the train than to hurry a little. One often has the impression that the entire branch is a social experiment to find out how much the customers are being fooled.

  • Uschi Schiefer

    Uschi Schiefer



  • Alexander Geus

    Alexander Geus


    Unfriendly, unprofessional and brimming with displeasure. I didn't even talk to the employee at counter 1 for 10 seconds to post a package. Not that it bothered me that I had to get my parcel label myself. But then to refer me back to the end of the line to the outside, nor to give me the opportunity to have the address filled out, because unfortunately I did not have a pen with me, is the height of ignorance. Some of the people in this store should really think about why they so desperately abhor social exchange on a communicative level. Unfortunately I have to give a star, because 0 stars are not possible.

  • Verena Krauss

    Verena Krauss


    To all complainers about this branch: The fact that there is usually a queue there is nothing the employees can do about it. You are doing your best. I always got friendly service and advice there! First of all, thank you very much. And: As you call into the forest, it echoes out.

  • J. B.

    J. B.


    Never again DHL or Deutsche Post. Regardless of the fact that you are always in line for at least 20 minutes and then treated unkindly, there is a ZERO tolerance limit. I had to pay a surcharge for a package for 0.5 cm !!!!, which was too much for one package. Reason: the sensors would sort out the package and send it back. How can you be so horny for profit? Off to the competition ..

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