Deutsche Bank TZE i Eschborn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandDeutsche Bank TZE



🕗 åbningstider

16-24, Alfred-Herrhausen-Allee, 65760, Eschborn, Darmstadt, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 69 9100
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.1326177, Longitude: 8.5745391

kommentar 5

  • Alois Sauerborn

    Alois Sauerborn


    I often come here for work. As far as I know, this Deutsche Bank location is purely an administrative building.

  • Joe



    The Deutsche Bank Technology Center in Eschborn (TZE) is one of the hundred largest buildings in Germany and an office building only for bank employees. There are no public branches or ATMs. Not particularly impressive from the outside, but well equipped and pleasant to work in. It's a shame that the bank is now closing it for good.

  • Hel Visa

    Hel Visa


    There is probably nothing in the way of negligence, negligence, misdemeanors or crimes that those responsible leave out, a bank that one might suspect is built entirely on lies and deceit. Luckily, I sold my shares years ago at a big loss. I can't understand why such a financial institution isn't dissolved, they can do whatever they want, don't we have a constitutional state that does something?

  • Bernhard Bowitz

    Bernhard Bowitz


    A great place to work at, with many competent IT people.

  • Lee Gee

    Lee Gee


    It is just a great big, old-style office, not open to the public, though it does have a staff canteen thst is generally considered expensive.

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administrative område niveau 5


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