Deutsche Bank Filiale i Böblingen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandDeutsche Bank Filiale



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19, Stadtgrabenstraße, 71032, Böblingen, Stuttgart, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 7031 64020
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.68643, Longitude: 9.0114776

kommentar 5

  • Bharathesha Kukkupuni

    Bharathesha Kukkupuni


    Friendly, cooperative and supportive staff. With a smiling face they support you to sort out your topics. And, They speak English as well :)

  • Sam



    Cooperative, helpful, understanding and patient :)

  • Thomas Wörn

    Thomas Wörn


    Very good customer service and a very good extensive range of what the bank has to offer

  • Sevinc Isbir

    Sevinc Isbir


    So far I have always been satisfied with Deutsche Bank and the consultants, but only about 2 weeks ago they showed their true colors, because of 57 euros and a few cents they lost a long-standing customer, zero accommodating, then I wanted them withdrawing the money from my account (57 €) was the statement, I am not allowed to do that, please withdraw it, both accounts were from Deutsche Bank, what are they still allowed to do - regardless of today I change banks

  • Bernhard Dilly

    Bernhard Dilly


    My father has been a Deutsche Bank customer for 40 years. He is now severely disabled since a stroke and lives in a nursing home in Stuttgart. The only comment from the clerk: To set up a power of attorney, my father must appear in person. That my father is not transportable is not his problem! Today an MA from DB was with my father in the nursing home and got the signature.

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