Deutsche Bank Filiale i Bad Oeynhausen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandDeutsche Bank Filiale



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1, Portastraße, 32545, Bad Oeynhausen, Detmold, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 5731 24010
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.2031925, Longitude: 8.7984528

kommentar 5

  • Aldrich Nerona

    Aldrich Nerona


    Thumbs up to Mr. Christoph! Very excellent.service! As well to other staff. Recommended to everyone who are non-Deutsch speaker like me😊

  • Manickaraj Subramanian

    Manickaraj Subramanian


    If you are someone who doesn't speak German and is looking for a bank that you would feel comfortable with then do ask for Mr. Christoph Brock / Gebhardt. He is an excellent advisor. Speaks very good English. He can also help you navigate the maze of one hundred thousand types of insurances that are available in Germany. And I am so satisfied with my experience that when he moved to this branch, I asked him to retain me as his client even though I don't live in Bad Oeynhausen.

  • Kevin Guerrero

    Kevin Guerrero


    Christoph is really accommodating. Good customer service! High five!!! 🤩🤩

  • Patricia Camille Paunil

    Patricia Camille Paunil


    Mr. Christoph Gebhardt works very well with client, very accomodating. Has a very warm rapport with everyone he comes in contact with. Follows up with clients to ensure no one feels forgotten or lost in the process.

  • Aye Raine

    Aye Raine


    I had a good experience with the bank and their staffs, they are very accommodating, staffs were nice and friendly. And as a foreigner like me, who is new here in Germany and don’t speak German fluently, they have staff who speaks English and very patient to answer all my queries and also give better options, suggestions and recommendations that’s very helpful to me. Thank Hr. Gebhardt for the assistance

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