Deutsche Bank Filiale i Oberursel (Taunus)

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandDeutsche Bank Filiale



🕗 åbningstider

6-8, Kumeliusstraße, 61440, Oberursel (Taunus), Darmstadt, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 6171 62740
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.2019648, Longitude: 8.5815745

kommentar 5

  • Michael



    Underground. The service has totally deteriorated. I wanted to use the self-service terminals in the branch on Saturday morning. This was no longer possible. You can only access the terminals when the branch itself is open. This means that from Friday 1 p.m. the curbs will be raised at Deutsche Bank. After that, zapping is a hassle. If you call the hotline you will be told to call the branch. If you then call the branch you will be forwarded to the hotline.

  • Jessi H

    Jessi H


    I decided to close my account due to fees DB charges its clients. When I went to ask them if there is anything they will be willing to do, they didn't give a retention offer or anything. Then after I closed the account, they charged me the fees for the last 3 months. And since it was not zero-ed out, they charged me another few EUR fee to take money out of my new account at another bank. And nobody at the branch mentioned this at the time when I closed the account, so beware of fees when you do business with this bank.

  • Beyhan



    I felt very comfortable from the start. Top advice, extremely hard-working, professional and quick processing. My experiences with this branch have been extremely positive. I can only recommend the house and its intercultural, competent employees. Thank you very much, that's how it works!

  • Ibo Degirmenci

    Ibo Degirmenci


    My house bank for ages. Super friendly, quick and always solution-oriented. The customer is always the focus of advice. The recommendations are neutral and always in the interests of the customer. I am always very enthusiastic and like to contact my advisors at the bank. Therefore absolutely deserved 5 stars for the 5 star service

  • Oliver Widengren

    Oliver Widengren


    Been a client of this DB office since I moved here 6 years ago. Very friendly and attentive service.

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