Delikat i Waldheim

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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13, Niedermarkt, 04736, Waldheim, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 34327 92467
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Latitude: 51.0743378, Longitude: 13.0253969

kommentar 5

  • Sven Bach

    Sven Bach


    Nice shop, super friendly conditions. Also a large selection of gift ideas. I would highly recommend this business.

  • Claudi



    This is what service should look like!! Friendly and quick processing of postal transactions and competent advice on spirits, wines and the special delicacies that can also be found here. Shop + post office furnished with love. Top

  • Lars Sawetzki

    Lars Sawetzki


    New owner, new flair, I was pleasantly surprised on my first visit to the branch. 😳 I was promptly helped with my DHL problem, the service is very nice, you feel like you are being taken seriously. And as far as the spirits collection is concerned, I think these also make nice gift items if you need something at the last minute.

  • Ulrike Rath

    Ulrike Rath


    Great store, was very surprised by the remodel. Great range of wines and unusual items to give as gifts - a nice idea. Will definitely come back. The advice was very friendly. Thanks

  • Heike Kaczmarek

    Heike Kaczmarek


    Successful reopening! There is a wide range of fine spirits and wines as well as tobacco. If you are looking for a gift, you have come to the right place. Actually, I just wanted to drop off my letter at the associated post office 😊 You can also play the lottery. Very friendly service and excellent advice.

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