DCI Zahnärztliche Praxisklinik Dr. Lorenz Bösch MSc & Kollegen i Pforzheim

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandDCI Zahnärztliche Praxisklinik Dr. Lorenz Bösch MSc & Kollegen



🕗 åbningstider

2, Martin-Niemöller-Straße, 75179, Pforzheim, Karlsruhe, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 7231 440128
internet side: www.zahn-praxisklinik-pforzheim.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.8922369, Longitude: 8.6724041

kommentar 5

  • Michael Jouvenal

    Michael Jouvenal


    Highly satisfied for 30 years! Only good experiences without exception. The whole family is now a patient of Dr. Boesch.

  • Sibylle Binge

    Sibylle Binge


    Not everyone is happy about a dentist appointment. We have been in this practice for a long time and feel very comfortable and competent there. Even our daughter and her 2 children come 45 km here to check. A super great practice with very nice and competent employees and a great, friendly, competent boss as a role model. He is always in a good mood and takes time for advice and treatment. The appointment times are kept well. Can, no you have to recommend. I would like to take this opportunity to join the practice team and Dr. Thank you very much Bösch.

  • Dustin 2403

    Dustin 2403


    My father was treated there for a year. He is very satisfied, great team. He thinks this is the best practice in Pforzheim.

  • Markus Bonath

    Markus Bonath


    This is how a dental practice should be! Highest competence. Treatment by Mr. Dr. Boesch. Highly Recommended. 5 *****

  • Bernd Dittus

    Bernd Dittus


    Dr. Bösch is a very experienced and personally pleasant dentist - especially when it comes to difficult dental problems, he always has very good solutions! Everything is just right here, including convenient parking facilities opposite the practice. Highly recommended !!!

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