Conrad Electronic i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandConrad Electronic



🕗 åbningstider

Kleiststraße 30-31, 10787 Berlin, Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 9604 408787
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.5005198, Longitude: 13.3475787

kommentar 5

  • Predrag Petkovic

    Predrag Petkovic


    Good assortment. I found things I couldn't find anywhere in Berlin. Unfortunatelly, the granny at the counter doesn't know what to do with the Visa card. She said my card was "rejected" twice and she doesn't know why (maybe because you never asked me to insert pin???). And so I was on my way to Saturn, again.

  • en

    Mark B


    No longer sells household electrical and their lighting range has been reduced to the bare minimum..

  • Jakob



    A specific store for specific needs with special prices. If you can get your product at Mediamarkt, I would recommend to go there first. To my specific visit: Unnecessary long waiting time and bad intercoordination of workers. The worker that got me my package was friendly and competent though.

  • Alberto Neef

    Alberto Neef


    too expensive. now they are on remodeling. The store is a mess and half of it you can't reach is closed.

  • en

    Andy Reisner


    Great electronics store! Currently under construction so a little less friendly

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