Congress Hotel Weimar by Mercure i Weimar

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TysklandCongress Hotel Weimar by Mercure


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1, Kastanienallee, 99428, Weimar, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3643 8030
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Latitude: 50.9337785, Longitude: 11.2883259

kommentar 5

  • Kai-Michael Roesner

    Kai-Michael Roesner


    The hotel appears well kept but the building is getting a bit outdated. The staff is friendly and helpful. The breakfast buffet is varied and rich but has too few staff to properly cope with bigger numbers of patrons (tables not cleaned, buffet replenishment tardy). The rooms are quite spacious but the mini bar was empty and there is carpeting on the floor which I don't like at all in a hotel. The choice of cocktails in the hotel bar is rather meagre. As this is a congress hotel, there being events is to be expected but they were very loud at times and they could accomodate non-event guests in other parts of the building.

  • Han Dir

    Han Dir


    This hotel is far from the classical city centre of the worldfamous culture city Weimar, it's located in a business park outside, between some companies and office buildings, but they have their own big Tesla supercharger station with 6 stalls. The parking is big, bt you need pay extra. The rooms are small but has all anemies you need inclu a full bath tube. Other good thing is the grocery supermarket nearby, where you can buy all the missing things from your empty minibar. The hotel has also a big swimming pool, together with some other fitness stuff. It's good place for stay calm.

  • Adrian Lalu

    Adrian Lalu


    You would say Ramada is a good place to stay but i think they should top up the services. No coffee filter in room, no tea not eaven a bottle of watter. Staff don’t speak english or french. Laundry services totaly absent. Elevator Makes a very loud noise that wakes you up, old furniture, some stained sheets and rust in the bathroom. The shades of the balcony are old and damaged. Why would i stay next time here? I won’t.

  • Thomas Roemhild

    Thomas Roemhild


    Very convenient Hotel right by the A4. 10min drive to Weimar City. 25min Drive to Erfurt. Rooms are clean and spacious. Staff was very helpful. We were here twice already. And we will come back.

  • Laura H.

    Laura H.


    Decent for a short stay. Outdated furniture in rooms. Clean. Nice lobby. Nice receptionists. Decent breakfast buffet. Large group of people there so staff was kinda swamped at the buffet. Good parking, no need to pay for it at hotel. Wasn‘t able to check out Spa. Not located near to any tourist attractions!!! Value for your money is okay.

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