CK Die Friseure i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandCK Die Friseure


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46, Leipziger Straße, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 20917417
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Latitude: 52.5106756, Longitude: 13.3973299

kommentar 5

  • Peter schiller

    Peter schiller


    A very nice shop in the middle of the city and a nice team

  • M0nika Irmscher

    M0nika Irmscher


    I've been in the salon for two years and I have to tell you it is highly recommended. You get great advice and all women can freeze very well. What I also like is the great climate.

  • Helen Jermis

    Helen Jermis


    Great team great advice! Price performance top.

  • Mandy Masser

    Mandy Masser


    Thanks for saving my hair !!! After my hair was shackled at another hairdresser's and I was unhappy with death. Have you worked hard to save / repair what is still possible. The result can be shown :) will no longer change the hairdresser and stay true to you now;)

  • Taoye Zhang

    Taoye Zhang


    This is a very excellent Barber shop, is this shop will open from 20 April ?

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