City Hotel Bosse GmbH & Co KG i Bad Oeynhausen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandCity Hotel Bosse GmbH & Co KG



🕗 åbningstider

40, Herforder Straße, 32545, Bad Oeynhausen, Detmold, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 5731 17540
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.2023639, Longitude: 8.7899722

kommentar 5

  • Claes Eriksson

    Claes Eriksson


    Nice rooms with fairly comfortable beds but you can tell they are used as the beds have a bit of a U-shape to them

  • Vivian Tischhauser

    Vivian Tischhauser


    Nice and clean

  • Reno Gargoyle

    Reno Gargoyle


    Nice Hotel good Breakfast but most Important good Location!

  • Peter Vanhove

    Peter Vanhove


    Neat boutique hotel that was recently rennovated. Good price/quality ratio. But as many individually owned hotels, some more professionalism could help. Some staff members very helpful, others much less. E.g. we were not informed that during our 4 day stay, there would be no room service, no new towels (because of corona, no one could enter the room). So same price for no service. We had to go and ask for towels. But again, focussing too much on the details, a good hotel in Bad Oeynhausen with safe parking space at the back, excellently located north of the Kur Park¨.

  • Gökhan Büyükdığan

    Gökhan Büyükdığan


    Poor hospitality and very poor management. Hotel sold our paid rooms (we paid 1 week before) to other people because we arrived at 10.30 pm. Directed us to another hotel.( our group was 6) They also rejected to accept us back. Do not even think to book. Awful!

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