CineStar CUBIX i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandCineStar CUBIX


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1, Rathausstraße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49
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Latitude: 52.520281, Longitude: 13.4119081

kommentar 5

  • Joshua Ashioya

    Joshua Ashioya


    You'd think with this corona ting, they'd AT LEAST reduce the prices on the snacks. But its coo, the place is clean, the staff is friendly and they offer movies in English.

  • Sachin Gorade

    Sachin Gorade


    Amazing sound quality, comfortable seats, good screen size and good options for snacks. The only thing which I didn't like is the amount of time we had to watch the ads. 30 minutes we were watching ads before movie.

  • Sudhin Poduval

    Sudhin Poduval


    Regulations are pretty good in these weird times. Theater Snacks are a bit on the expensive. Movie watching experience is beyond imaginable. The bass in some movies could be felt on the seats. Rows on the top are not too high and fit straight to the eye line. All in all, a good movie going experience.

  • Amanda Majorowicz

    Amanda Majorowicz


    Corona time- I went on a Saturday night, 20.30 to see Tenet. I appreciate that the reservation of a seat also crossed out all surrounding seats to follow the corona distance guidelines. The rules for when to wear a mask and what to do were frequently on display, also distance marks on the floor. The employees were friendly and less than 30 people attended the the showing. Everything was generally quite clean.

  • Hasan



    Infront of cinestar Cubix

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