Caroobi i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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5, Alexanderstraße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49
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Latitude: 52.523402, Longitude: 13.415439

kommentar 5

  • Eugene Krasnov

    Eugene Krasnov


    Services of Caroobi are terrible. Company does not take any responsibility of mistakes their employees do in their system. Customer service is terrible and does not understand the problems they create for their customers. I ordered a trailer hook to be installed in my X1. After filling out the online form where only details of the car need to be provided a company employee called me and on the phone discussed what I exctly need. I explained that I need a trailer hook in order to use it with a caravan, meaning a trailer has refrigerator and other equipment that requires electricity supply during the drive. When the works were done at the proposed garage, no details were provided about the limitations of the electrical supply that goes together with the trailer hook. I as a customer checked that the hook was there and 13 contact E-hub was installed. Once I had my caravan connected to the E-hub two weeks later, it showed that E-hub was not correctly connected and allowed only break lights and side lights to be lit. No equipment was working because E-hub was not correctly connected. The garage confirmed that they installed what caroobi provided to them. When I contacted caroobi customer service they said that I did not provide any details that I needed a trailer hook and E-hub for a caravan and I have to pay extra for re-cabeling of E-hub. Unbelivable. Caroobi unprofessionally operate and then make their customers spend even more then I would have spent if I just went to ATU for trailer hook installation. I strongly advice you to not use services of such diletants as caroobi and I will never come back to them as a customer!

  • Zyad Sherif

    Zyad Sherif


    First I went to the website didn't know exactly where my car problem fits so called the customer service number to ask about that. After waiting sometime a guy answered and said I'll transfer you to someone who can help. Then waited for 10 minutes to have the line shut in my face. Then I tried myself on the website to get a quote. I choose motor fix there was no place to add comments or explain the problem, next thing I know they sent me a quote for 4.500€ which is almost the price of the car, which doesn't make any sense since I just want to change a bad gasket. I'd say it's pretty frustrating and really unpleasant experience.

  • Peta Taljaard

    Peta Taljaard


    Incredible service! Great idea. Best ever! Highly recommended

  • Shikher Gupta

    Shikher Gupta


    Had a great experience for my car service. I had my Audi Q3 foiled through Caroobi. The process was simple and took very less time. The customer care service is also too good. Thanks Caroobi Team!!!

  • Jona Hampe

    Jona Hampe


    The gear box in my car had to be replaced. The price was competitive, so I chose Caroobi. Communication was prompt and easy until the appointment was made. From there it went downhill. Their delivery of the gear box was late, so instead of 1 week (as agreed), I had to wait for more than two weeks to get my car back. After getting my car back, the transmission was not working properly. It turned out that Caroobi had delivered a faulty gear box. It was difficult to reach their customer service and it took another week and a half until they gave me a new appointment to fix my car. Overall I could not use my car for full 6 weeks. Caroobi even refused to provide a rental car, even after it was clear that it was their fault. So, I guess that their service is good as long as all goes well and fits to their processes. As soon as something goes wrong, they do not have the capacity or the will to handle it in a customer oriented way. I will not use their service again.

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