Campus Garden i Iserlohn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandCampus Garden


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36, Reiterweg, 58636, Iserlohn, Arnsberg, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 2371 15560
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.3848626, Longitude: 7.7223959

kommentar 5

  • Ha M

    Ha M



  • Juergen Schaefer

    Juergen Schaefer


    Attended a wedding 3 days ago. One of the best weddings I have been to. The food was exceptional, the service was great and attentive. Beautiful location with a very nice outdoor area. As there were two weddings at the same location, staff had to run through our function in order to serve the other, which was slightly strange...but not a major problem. The slightly unruly behaviour of the other wedding reception is also no fault of the hotel itself. Our main bone of contention was the rooms, which appeared to be single rooms with an extra bed shoved in. To get from the entrance to the other end of the room left us about 30 cm to squeeze past. My partner, who is blind, found this rather inconvenient. With 2 wedding functions, this was most likely an exception, so I feel slightly mean for leaving only 3 stars for such an amazing and professional reception, but I have to reflect my own experience.

  • Matthias Schmelzer

    Matthias Schmelzer


    Value for money is good here

  • Michael Anderson

    Michael Anderson


    Very nice , a pleasant place to stay

  • Zsolt B

    Zsolt B


    Clean and comfortable rooms, kind service, delicious breakfast

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