Café Waldi - biozertifizierter Kaffee & regionale Backwaren i Leipzig

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TysklandCafé Waldi - biozertifizierter Kaffee & regionale Backwaren



🕗 åbningstider

10, Peterssteinweg, 04107, Leipzig, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49
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Latitude: 51.332488, Longitude: 12.373525

kommentar 5

  • Achtung Camper

    Achtung Camper


    If I could leave zero stars I would. Came last Monday for drinks and food. Youngish guy serving was absolutely the laziest rudest person I’ve ever come across. Went missing for over 30 minutes. Guests walking off. I found him around the corner smoking with a girl. Took 45 minutes to bring out a pretzel then told me this is how long it takes. Love the place ie decor but this guys is running it into the ground.

  • Daniel Read

    Daniel Read


    Chilled out place. Especially in the summer, right in the front of the Karli. Good to also dance at night without an entrance fee upstairs. Would recommend only if you want a drink or 2 as its quite expensive.

  • Shad Anwar

    Shad Anwar


    This place was really fun. The night I went they played 80s rock and I had a really good time here. They also serve good cocktails here. I had some trouble with the gaurds here though but they were really friendly later.

  • Marcela Rivera-Melara

    Marcela Rivera-Melara


    Great location and great relaxed interior for good conversation. During the summer time, there's a large outdoor sitting area, and during the winter time, inside is as cozy as it can get with a warm cup of cocoa!

  • Julia Yaroshinsky

    Julia Yaroshinsky


    No idea what I was walking into. We had visited two other bars in Leipzig, and this was the only one playing dance music. Good crowd, fun night. I'd recommend to anyone. Helps to have a friend who speaks German though. Otherwise you might be a bit underserved.

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