Cafe Del Sol Hanau i Hanau

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandCafe Del Sol Hanau



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1, Nicolaystraße, 63457, Hanau, Darmstadt, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 6181 6751082
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Latitude: 50.1251683, Longitude: 8.9455461

kommentar 5

  • Drazen Svrtan

    Drazen Svrtan


    We had just coffee but definitely we will be back next week for full breakfast.Great location ,very friendly staff who speaks German,English and Croatian languages.Great place looks very warm during this winter days.Also the place is located between 2 former US military bases.

  • Mary L

    Mary L


    Food was great and delicious here. But what I didn't like was the service. Unfriendly, impatient, inattentive service. First server was kind of impatient and in a bad mood. We felt guilty ordering drinks after a long waiting time. I mean seriously I felt guilty for some reason for his bad mood. The second one when asking for ice kind of got offended after I repeated my question thinking he didn't hear me. Appearantly he heard me cuz he answered annoyed back: "yeah I got you". The third one compared to the first two was better, at least he wasn't annoyed by working as a waiter. But still stressed out and not friendly enough. Yet I tipped him well cuz I was thankful he at least tried. I get it, waiting on table is not an easy job with all the different characters as guests. But friendliness is a big part of this job. You chose to be a waiter, or didn't choose it but you depend on it. So do your job well. I came here partly for service, otherwise I could have cooked something in my own kitchen without dealing with the servers attitude. Rest assure I will never go here again. Nice setting, good food but without a good friendly, attentive service it all means nothing. Update: I tried not to go here because of my last review as you can read above. But then from my work a gathering took place here and I had no choice. I therefore change my review to a good one. The service, a young girl in her early 20s or late teens, was very attentive. Even though she had so many tables, and I have to say everybody paid separately, she really did a good job. She came around many times asking us if we needed anything or a drink. She was the whole time friendly and parent and that is very much appreciated from us customers. Because of her service I changed my review, she changed the face of del sol for me ;D

  • Michael Michaelson

    Michael Michaelson


    Food was mediocre at best my son-in-law and I ordered curry wuerst with fries. It was barely warm, looked like a giant Hot dog some cooked earlier in the day in a deep fryer. The fries were warm at best. When I lived in the area I used to go there frequently the food was top notch. Today was disappointing if your going to serve curry wuerst it should be a bratwurst or a rindswurst not what ever that was. We both refused to eat it and they were nice and took it off our bills. So customer service gets 4 stars. Please bring you kitchen quality back up.

  • May Chen

    May Chen


    We were surprised with their new menu, less choices and poor quality. Chicken burger definitely is made from frozen meat, just deep fried in oil that has no taste at all. Not much different to Schnitzel and fries.

  • Jamila MCG

    Jamila MCG


    Update: I went this past Saturday evening and I was positively surprised at the recent changes. They have reduced the Menu which results in a faster service. The Waiters were very attentive and the food was great. They have even made changes to the Restrooms. Thank you Team I have been going to this Restaurant since their Opening over 20 years ago. The experiences vary with good and bad moments. My last visit was a bit uneasy. The Staff was understaffed (I'm sure due to the Corona situation) yet, it took a long time till someone checked on us for drinks. My Order was completely wrong and to get a correct replacement took a very long time, which resulted in my Family finishing their food before my order was finally served. So I kindly requested to get my Desert on the House ( which was granted without hesitation) What needs to be worked on as well are the Conditions of the Restrooms. They look as they have 20 years ago. It doesn't look inviting and to me Kitchen and Restrooms are your Peak Representation along with a clean and comfortable Ambiente.

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