Cafe Brazil i Erlangen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandCafe Brazil



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25, Bismarckstraße, 91054, Erlangen, Mittelfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 9131 23455
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.5971861, Longitude: 11.0158889

kommentar 5

  • Someone S

    Someone S


    It's ok. Nothing special. The atmosphere is nice and quiet although it's next to the road.

  • Kishore Surendra

    Kishore Surendra


    Ok, so first of all : Don't let the name deceive you. It's a cafe only if alcohol is renamed as coffee :D . In fact, even the coffee available here is from a small machine. The local Germans come here just to drink indoors/outdoors with their friends. Nevertheless, a small cup of coffee costs 2 euros and a large cup (too large) costs 2.7 euros. And it tasted good (not exceptional).

  • Eva Breitweg

    Eva Breitweg


    You know it's that kind of place you'd like to declare 'my living room'...and eventually you will. The occasional week-end breakfast buffet is tasty outstanding and rich. The staff is super on time, friendly and chill. I've written papers on one of the little corner tables, had great nights, even better chats, birthday brunches. Additional to the regular menu, there are three daily changing dishes (meat fish veg/vegan) always fresh and super tasty. Just a wonderful place to visit regularly....make it a habit...

  • J K

    J K


    Food is mostly okay but salads could be improved. Drinks are cheaper. Service is always friendly. Older crowd comes in during the evening. Daily menu changes. Portions are moderate. Good coffee.

  • Lily Josephine Wang

    Lily Josephine Wang


    Had their Advent special breakfast buffet. Diverse and interesting selection of salads which are rare in German cafes / restaurants. The barista was very professional and attentive. We were served orange juice the moment we were seated. Very much enjoyed our experience.

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