Burgkeller i Meißen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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11, Domplatz, 01662, Meißen, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3521 41400
internet side: www.hotel-burgkeller-meissen.de
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Latitude: 51.1658333, Longitude: 13.4702778

kommentar 5

  • Sabina Saar

    Sabina Saar


    Altstadt is just magical at Night. Walk down from the Burgkeller to the Markt and look back to the Dom - it is as you were in a movie As I was only for one night stay I cannot comment too much on the service, except I was greeted with a glass of bubbles and on leaving I was present with homemade cookies. All in all I loved my stay and will be back with friends

  • Charles H

    Charles H


    Didn't actually stay here but did visit the hotel prior to visiting the Dom. The staff were absolutely and welcoming and the coffee was great. As a visitor to the hotel it was a lovely experience and I can only assume that people staying there enjoy it even more. Thank you for your delightful kitchen and service staff

  • Bhumika Patel

    Bhumika Patel


    Went to the restaurant as part of evening event organised by Silicon Saxony. The food was good, all the arrangements were nice and proper. The restaurant ambiance and view is really great. Me and my colleagues really enjoyed the evening there.

  • Anthony Alcock

    Anthony Alcock


    Beautiful location. The trainee on reception was very welcoming and helpful. Room was good and we enjoyed the views from the balcony. Smoking is evidently allowed in the bedrooms which is a shame. Even after leaving the windows open for 3 days we couldn't eliminate it. Cleaning could have been more thorough, particularly the floors. Breakfast was OK but a bit confusing at first. Apparently there's a sign to explain what you could order, but it was away being translated!

  • Vidar Pettersen

    Vidar Pettersen


    Very nice hotel on top of the Burg with elevator access from the cheap parking. Amazing views from the terrace. The rooms where a pleasant surprise. Quite luxurious for the price. The breakfast is in a small area with magnificent view and good selections. Will definitely be back. We had business meeting in a special room next to the bar. Excellent for small groups up to 10 people.

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