Braunsteinmühle Mühlencafé i Geratal

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandBraunsteinmühle Mühlencafé



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27, Gehlberger Straße, 98716, Geratal, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3677 605753
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Latitude: 50.7095932, Longitude: 10.819465

kommentar 5

  • ralph Kirchner

    ralph Kirchner


    If we wanted to have a coffee in the coffee shop after being asked whether there were two seats still available, we would be sent out with an unfriendly no. Apparently you no longer have to worry about the guests. They don't see us again and don't recommend them

  • Christiane Dittrich

    Christiane Dittrich


    Beautiful location. Everything is lovingly decorated and the boss is a lovely person. Cakes, ice cream sundaes and pancakes were fantastic. 👌😊 Always worth a visit.

  • Mutti Gippi

    Mutti Gippi


    In the old brownstone mill, furnished and decorated with old things, there is a coffee shop with homemade cakes and cakes. Very tasty 😋 The staff is very friendly and happy to answer questions about the inventory and the lapidarium.

  • Roland Anske

    Roland Anske


    Great ambience. Pure nostalgia. With an old steam engine in the middle of the coffee and designed with a lot of love. Service, coffee and cake and also the egg tart are highly recommended.

  • Tobias Fischer

    Tobias Fischer


    Great place for coffee and cake! The owner has a great eye for detail. Very nice service and great location, especially outside when it's sunny.

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