Boutique Hotel Villa-Soy i Erlangen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandBoutique Hotel Villa-Soy


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4, Östliche Stadtmauerstraße, 91054, Erlangen, Mittelfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 9131 9737550
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.5974859, Longitude: 11.0130457

kommentar 5

  • François BEAUBOUCHER

    François BEAUBOUCHER


    Not what I was waiting for 317 euros for 2 night. Small room and the shower with a door broken and a leakage on the valve. Moreover, housekeeping not completly done the second days and no bottle of water the second day. Ask for the waiter and answers was: it was a present for welcome the first days, for the other days, go to buy one somewhere or in their restaurant. Breakfast very simple.. so nothing to tell: come to see that!!

  • alexandru alba

    alexandru alba


    Nice cozy hotel, near the city center. Rooms are clean. Toom service is daily.

  • Hasan Algheryafi

    Hasan Algheryafi


    Good place for the price. No air conditioning. Good WiFi signal.

  • Anna Gyarmati

    Anna Gyarmati


    The hotel is in a great location, really close to town centre. The room was comfortable and clean. Staff was also friendly and helpful. I'll be back soon.

  • Gareth Kenyon

    Gareth Kenyon


    Nice, clean room. Bit snug but certainly not small. Friendly helpful staff with a nice Italian restaurant attached to the hotel. Excellent service.

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