Boutique-Hotel Amalienhof i Weimar

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TysklandBoutique-Hotel Amalienhof



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2, Amalienstraße, 99423, Weimar, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3643 5490
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.976555, Longitude: 11.327429

kommentar 5

  • Marina T

    Marina T


    Location is superb! We booked the apartment as we need more space with small kid. The location of the hotel is great, just need to cross one traffic Light then you will enter the pedestrian area of old town. There is also DG Terrasse that has the view of old town.

  • Rick Siffleet

    Rick Siffleet


    An excellent place to stay for a visit to Weimar. Perfectly placed for easy access to the town. Plenty to see and visit and you won't go hungry, as there are many varied places to eat nearby. Excellent hotel staff made us feel relaxed as soon as we arrived. Small area but off-road parking is available around the back of the hotel. Good sized rooms but no English speaking news channel on the TV. An American Stocks 'n Shares CNN channel doesn't count..! Good buffet breakfast but only boiled and scrambled eggs on the 'hot' menu. Even opened up a little early for us on our last day as we had a tight schedule. Will certainly use again as we will be going back.

  • Paul Wagner

    Paul Wagner


    Friendly personal, the breakfast is good, the rooms are okay but nothing special. Parking lot is available for guest and it's very close to the city.

  • Ralph Martin

    Ralph Martin


    Friendly helpful staff. Good choice for breakfast. Comfortable room. Covenient location. Would return.

  • Cornelia Ball

    Cornelia Ball


    My husband and I stayed at the Amalienhof for three nights. Service is very friendly, goes "the extra mile" like offering coffee at the entrance table for their guests but also to the taxi drivers that drop off the visitors. We stayed in the main building, lovely decorated, spacious rooms, modern bathroom. Breakfast was great, the tables are set with white tablecloths and white china, very elegant. Location is great, only a few blocks from the Goethe and Schiller house, the pedestrian street, Park on the Ilm and other attractions. We would stay here again if we went back.

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