Bijou Brigitte AG i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandBijou Brigitte AG


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20, Grunerstraße, 10179, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49
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Latitude: 52.5199385, Longitude: 13.4146228

kommentar 5

  • Claudius “ClaudiusL66” Ellpunkt

    Claudius “ClaudiusL66” Ellpunkt


    My daughter was looking for a particular piece of jewelry, among other things. have a trial started here too. Unfortunately, it was not successful, although the range of costume jewelry is very extensive. But I was really enthusiastic about the friendly, courteous and patient advice of the employees in the shop.

  • Agnieszka Rakowiec

    Agnieszka Rakowiec


    I got two pierced ears. One shot the woman and the other caught fire after the gun got stuck in my ear. I still had to pay the full price.

  • Matthias Meyerhof

    Matthias Meyerhof


    Always good deals.

  • Olaf Kuhl

    Olaf Kuhl


  • Zhanna Smetanina

    Zhanna Smetanina


    Many thanks to the branch in Alexa !!! The boss (the name I do not know unfortunately) is very nice and friendly! The very friendly staff Mrs. Pehlivan helped me today to find on the one hand your prefessionnelle highest competence, style, excellent taste on the other hand with your personal heart, desire and mood the excellent set for my wedding. For a long time I have searched for suitable jewelry and found a few days before the wedding! Mrs. Pehlivan with all her heart and patience has done excellent service with great satisfaction and happiness. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! If such a service would be more frequent in life !!! :) Really super professional! Excited! Zhanna

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