betahaus | Kreuzberg i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Tysklandbetahaus | Kreuzberg



🕗 åbningstider

23, Rudi-Dutschke-Straße, 10969, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 220119820
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.5066799, Longitude: 13.3915339

kommentar 5

  • F B

    F B


    It's on the more affordable side, that's it on the positive end. Coffee is the worst I've ever had - good for the business, so people don't drink too much of it bit head to the cafeteria for the paid one. Worst thing is - there's stealing going on. Had several items stolen there, from food containers in the kitchen to office items from my desk. A crowd like that doesn't deserve the co in co-working!

  • Mykyta Smolianyi

    Mykyta Smolianyi


    quite nice and cosy place. and you can pay by card!!! that's a big +

  • Jasper Morgan

    Jasper Morgan


    The café at Betahaus feels like a regular café. Gone is the rough startup atmosphere of the original BH café. However it is a good place to get some work done with great WiFi and good coffee.

  • Clare Mcilwaine

    Clare Mcilwaine


    Seemed like a nice place but they have a no laptop policy between 12-2pm due to wanting to have the space for lunch customers. I may have a laptop but I do like to eat lunch too! Westberlin down the road was great to hang out, work and drink good coffee.

  • Bridget Reed Morawski

    Bridget Reed Morawski


    Food was very good (honestly can say I had one of the best salads ever here) and the internet was solid, but it was difficult to understand the policy for where I could work. The cashier said that so long as it wasn't too busy, I could work up on the loft level ... but frankly it made me nervous to think I may be told to leave midway through a work deadline. Also, for a work cafe, there really seem to be no outlets or power plugs anywhere convenient. It gets very loud and echoey at rush times.

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