Berliner Fernsehturm i Berlin

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TysklandBerliner Fernsehturm



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1A, Panoramastraße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 247575875
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Latitude: 52.520815, Longitude: 13.4094191

kommentar 5

  • Mohammad Ebrahim

    Mohammad Ebrahim


    A beautiful landmark from the East Berlin Communist era, built in the 1950s Spectacular views of Berlin. Also has a restaurant and a bar. Getting in to the tower and going up is easy as you can get your tickets at the door, which will also Grant you access to the bar. However, to dine at the restaurant it is highly recommended that you make a reservation in advance as it is very difficult to find a free table at the door. I'm giving it a 4 star simply because the bartender at the bar is very rude to costumers and could be replaced with a more friendly bartender. I recommend that you visit the tower right before sunset so that you can have the most beautiful scenery while the sun sets.

  • en

    Krishna Kole


    Nice view of Berlin city from top of TV Tower. This was my second time in Berlin and I enjoyed the visit to TV Tower. I chose fast view ticket, but I would recommend for standard ticket as it requires only few minutes in queue. Choose the time carefully, it should not be too sunny or too dark, otherwise you will not enjoy much. Early morning or early evening is good time to visit.

  • Mark Bachmann

    Mark Bachmann


    It’s a wonderful experience for families, groups and grownups. You have a wonderful, amazing view over the whole city. The entry is a bit pricey but it’s a tourist attractions and it’s worth it. Upstairs you find also a restaurant with a good menu. On sunny clear days it’s really crowded and you have to wait in line for a bit. But when you passed this hurdle, you will get awarded with the greatest view over the city. Go for it!

  • en

    Timea Kovari


    A wonderful experience seeing the German capital city, Berlin from up there. With a fast track ticket you can be up at the bar or the restaurant within minutes. The view is spectacular! Well worth the visit! You could even get a picture (taken as you got in) printed after coming down to the ground floor, well, if you like it. Highly recommended to visit it!

  • Roan Knowles

    Roan Knowles


    This was my first visit to a revolving tower and the experience was great. The foyer at the base of the tower is extremely modern and well maintained, with plenty of souvenirs available for purchase (although quite expensive). I didn't have to wait long to go up the tower after purchasing a ticket, was a very reasonable price. When it was our turn we were guided into the elevator to travel up to the top of the tower. The elevator shows you where abouts you are in the tower. I didn't go up to the restaurant but I did go to the the viewing plaza which was fantastic. It's definitely a good experience and something you should visit if you're in Berlin. It's a fantastic 360° view over Berlin, which is exceptional at all times of day. It can be a little difficult to see at night and take photos, since the lights reflect onto the windows. They also protrude outwards which can restrict the view. Apart from these very minor problems, it's a fantastic experience! Loved it.

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