bei Kliewe im Westfälischen Hof i Beckum

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Tysklandbei Kliewe im Westfälischen Hof



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33, Weststraße, 59269, Beckum, Münster, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 2521 3369
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Latitude: 51.754861, Longitude: 8.037243

kommentar 5

  • Ola Hindmo

    Ola Hindmo


    Mixed feeling. Very nice owner and staff. Good food in restaurant. A bit of a "alpen-hutte" feeling with old woood from the roof used to build beds and tables, so kinda cozy but.... In end of June.... Room is very hot (i got room 211, probably the worst on top floor at the sunny wall ) and a fan is not enough to make it comfortable even with open windows (window that you can climb/look into from the outisde stair in my room). Luckily nights are a bit cooler, so able to sleep after a while (after midnight) after putting fan in the window and opening all windows. Got some nocturnal creatures as a gift :-) (1 night moths, no sucker mosquitos luckily, just a long legged one). Very nice newly renovated toilet/bathroom. 1 outlet at bed, 2 at desk, 1 at entrance. 2+2 windows with thin + thick curtains. Air con, even portable would change the grade to 4 easy, now its a weak 3 mostly cause of the nice staff and bathroom. Beds are very hard, but ok to sleep in. Sleeping pillow is a joke (super small and grts totally flat), have to use the "big decoration pillow without sheets below it. I normally travel in Asia (Thailand aso) so im used to heat, but with German standards I cant see why no air con is installed, at least a portable one. If you like to sleep cold, this is not the place. A fun feature, you can change room cleaning to a free beer. Save enviroment and get a beer :-)

  • Olivermettmann77 Ki

    Olivermettmann77 Ki



  • Virendra Mishra

    Virendra Mishra


    A good place to have food with drinks. They have enough space for sitting and serving variety of food with drinks. I have visited almost three times to have dinner and really it was a good experience. The owner the restaurant specially asked me that he can try to prepare the food based on my choice and it works. I recommend to visit this restaurant.

  • Artur Gruszczyński

    Artur Gruszczyński


    Noce place good food

  • Glenn Mitchell

    Glenn Mitchell


    Smaller newly renovated rooms. Clean and quiet are the strong points. Restaurant is quite good with reasonable prices. Very friendly staff.

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