Banovo GmbH | Badsanierung & Badrenovierung aus einer Hand, zum Festpreis i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandBanovo GmbH | Badsanierung & Badrenovierung aus einer Hand, zum Festpreis



🕗 åbningstider

9, Hessische Straße, 10115, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 800 7304050
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.5291151, Longitude: 13.3796191

kommentar 5

  • john schöpert

    john schöpert


    Planning and advice were very good and comprehensive. Unfortunately, I cannot say anything about the implementation, as the administration withdrew the permit at the last moment.

  • Rainer Capellmann

    Rainer Capellmann


    The planning and advice for the redesign of our bathroom was very good. Friendly and very knowledgeable contact with the responsible specialists

  • Susanne von Below

    Susanne von Below


    Great advice with good ideas, very open to my suggestions. You can tell that there is a lot of experience there that is used in the interests of the customer. Highly recommended!

  • Sebastian Heller

    Sebastian Heller


    Slogan: We build your bathroom! It doesn't matter if You want to renovate your bathroom You need a completely new bathroom in your new building Well, we want to build a house and would have liked to commission Banovo to plan the bathroom. Then on the phone they say: Sorry, but new construction is not our field of activity, we prefer to do renovation. Coordination with the other trades is too complicated for a new building. OK, I can understand the arguments. But then you shouldn't get into it!

  • Jonid Alb

    Jonid Alb


    professionals all

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