Bagel Brothers i Leipzig

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandBagel Brothers



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1A, Karl-Liebknecht-Straße, 04107, Leipzig, Leipzig, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 341 9104646
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.331606, Longitude: 12.374025

kommentar 5

  • Tomer Shimoni

    Tomer Shimoni


    Fresh, clean, fast service, good prices for breakfast deals, fresh orange juice, very good coffe. I eat there every morning and i love the place!

  • en

    Derrick Gray


    Fab bagels, great selection well made

  • Niklas Schwartzerdt

    Niklas Schwartzerdt


    No restrooms, hasty atmosphere, not really relaxing. The coffee is fine, though

  • Annika Kaiser

    Annika Kaiser


    The only place for bagels in Leipzig! (That's honestly true, you can't get bagels worth their salt anywhere else in the city) The service is usually decent and the bagels are good, considering there's not much else to compare them to. The bagel sandwiches are worth trying though I find them a bit overpriced, it's a lot more cost effective to buy the bagels and take them home. Bagel Brothers does decent coffee and drinks as well so this is a nice location to stop for a small meal, though it would be great if their outdoor seating were nicer. This branch is unfortunately not wheelchair accessible at all, customers need to get up 3 steps to get in.

  • Anna Danková

    Anna Danková


    Good bagels. Average/underaverage dark roasted coffee. $

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