Bäckerei & Konditorei Tippner i Leipzig

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandBäckerei & Konditorei Tippner



🕗 åbningstider

2, Morgensternstraße, 04179, Leipzig, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 341 4774223
internet side: www.baeckereitippner.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.3347135, Longitude: 12.3116348

kommentar 5

  • Lopes Nadine

    Lopes Nadine


    Absolute recommendation - friendly, fast and uncomplicated communication. Birthday cake was implemented as requested, beautifully designed, tasted great!

  • Sirbl



    We turned to the Tippner family to commission our wedding cake. From the consultation to eating the cake, we are more than satisfied and happy to have chosen you. It was professional and yet so simple and hassle-free. Thanks!

  • Renate Herrmann

    Renate Herrmann


    I would like to take this opportunity to thank Team Tippner once again for the wonderfully beautiful and tasty wedding cake. The bride and groom and all the guests admired the masterpiece cake. We wish the entire Tippner team many more successes in the future Renate Herrmann and the householder family

  • Nancy Wagler

    Nancy Wagler


    And once again the Tippner Bakery surprised us with a fantastic birthday cake. It was the fourth in a row and I have to say that each one is a masterpiece. Thank you for a wonderfully beautiful birthday cake. Not only a visual feast for the eyes, but also a real hit in terms of taste. Price performance is also right. It really leaves nothing to be desired. I would like to thank you for the beautiful and delicious cake that you made for my daughter with so much attention to detail. We had a lot of fun with it. And that definitely wasn't our last cake from you. Thank you!

  • Thomas Schröder

    Thomas Schröder


    Insider tip, you like to have a coffee and eat a piece of cake here, the price/performance ratio is great and the service is very nice. There is a comfortable seating area and a few parking spaces are available. I'd love to come by again.

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