Auto Peitzmeyer GmbH i Bad Oeynhausen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandAuto Peitzmeyer GmbH



🕗 åbningstider

38 -42, Kanalstraße, 32545, Bad Oeynhausen, Detmold, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 5731 21310
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.2058677, Longitude: 8.787857

kommentar 5

  • Saskia Mc Millan

    Saskia Mc Millan


    I'm just really satisfied with the advice and all the service and a big thank you goes to Mr. Rinne! I can simply rate everything with 5 stars! Highly recommended!

  • Mike Kühnl

    Mike Kühnl


    Competent, friendly and good service. I have bought 5 cars from Peitzmeier in the last 10 years and have never had any problems. Update June 2021 This time I made it a little more difficult for Mr. Rinne from Auto Peitzmeyer. I asked him to find the car of my choice. A used car no older than 2 years, few kilometers, a maximum price and a certain minimum equipment. He had a month and a half to do this. What can I say: It worked wonderfully, Mr. Rinne got me the car I wanted and in some cases even exceeded my specifications. The advice and the purchase process were great, as always.

  • Ainis Graudins

    Ainis Graudins



  • Matthias Krüger

    Matthias Krüger


    My workshop of trust

  • Margaret Hughes

    Margaret Hughes


    I called in today and was totally ignored by the salesman. He went to talk to a man who arrived later than me. He does not know the opportunity he missed!!!!!!!!

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