Augenklinik Dr. Hoffmann Zweigpraxis Helmstedt i Helmstedt

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandAugenklinik Dr. Hoffmann Zweigpraxis Helmstedt



🕗 åbningstider

7b, Max-Planck-Weg, 38350, Helmstedt, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 5351 9112
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.2203416, Longitude: 11.0251265

kommentar 5

  • Christina Schlanstedt

    Christina Schlanstedt


    Very disorganized practice, no one knows what the other is doing. You can't even begin to write about the waiting time, that's beyond the scope. The doctor's assistants don't touch a chip card, but they have long gel nails ...... lots of beautiful bacteria. The nurses are very, very unfriendly. Hope this practice works on your concept and appointment management from next year. Urgently necessary.

  • Frank Schulze

    Frank Schulze


    Very competent

  • Karo Müllerin

    Karo Müllerin


    Very nice team

  • Marlene und Günter Holste

    Marlene und Günter Holste


    On the 22.11.2018 I had an appointment 10.10 o'clock. I was in the practice before 10 o'clock at the registration, then waiting room. At 11.00 am my question about the waiting time. The answer was against 12.00 clock. I said goodbye. In this doctor's office, I will not let me see.Trotz appointment 2 hours wait is unreasonable.

  • Nico



    This doctor seems unable to properly manage his appointments. Waiting for over 1 1/2 hours for the eyes to be dripped, the question of how long it should still last is put off with "You will be called RIGHT". If “soon” is the definition for “take another nap, it'll take longer” then that's pretty good.

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