Arminius-Apotheke i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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172, A, Schönhauser Allee, 10435, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 4427835
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Latitude: 52.53293, Longitude: 13.41218

kommentar 5

  • Zoyd Wheeler

    Zoyd Wheeler


    With the outrageous tone that the lady in sales used to me as a customer, in my opinion she would be much better suited as a prison guard. Since this was the second experience of this kind in that pharmacy, the ladies and gentlemen there will be able to do without me as a customer in future.

  • Christina Kiefer

    Christina Kiefer


    The pharmacy obviously benefits from the good location of being in the medical center right away. I cannot recommend it: there is a repeated lack of willingness and / or competence for advice, and the pharmacists seem to be deciding which product to offer as the only one. If you suggest a cheaper manufacturer, this is denied. My last attempt ends with today's example: The Suprasorb F film, online for about 5 euros, results in the research of the pharmacist 120 euros. "There is nothing else" ...! You are definitely in good hands at the Kollwitz pharmacy: competent and customer-friendly.

  • tatjana zuboff

    tatjana zuboff


    Hopelss! Helpless attempts to give advice. Completely uninformed staff. Tried several times....always the same. They try to sell you the largest packs without asking how much you need. They don’t give any advice about how to use the product you bought like it is common practice in other pharmacies

  • Dirk S

    Dirk S


    Unfortunately, the desire for inexpensive generics is completely ignored here. For 2 over-the-counter remedies here 15eur were called (otherwise I pay a maximum of 8eur). Even the naming of a cheaper manufacturer was ignored and instead proposed smaller pack sizes. The more and more users prefer the online trade, can be well understood by such examples - unfortunately; because there are also stationary stores where customer requirements are taken seriously. But profit maximization is the top priority here

  • Fran Stressmann

    Fran Stressmann


    Unempathetic and irresponsible. I went there with 42 fever, barely able to stand. They didn’t have the drug and would have it only the next day. The pharmacist behind the counter refused to find the number of a nearby pharmacy and suggested I google it!!!

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